- Natural Mosquito Repellent
Tired of mosquitoes disturbing your sleep? Simply burn scent leaves and let the smoke fill the air. The strong aroma will drive mosquitoes away naturally—no chemicals needed!
- Supports Fertility
If you’re facing infertility issues, scent leaf might help. You can:
Add it to your meals for its natural fertility-boosting properties.
Squeeze the leaves, extract the juice, and drink it.
Boil the leaves and drink the tea morning and night.
- Helps Regulate Blood Sugar
Struggling with high blood sugar or diabetes? Scent leaf can help by lowering sugar levels in the blood.
✔️ Pound the fresh leaves.
✔️ Filter the juice with water.
✔️ Drink it twice daily for best results.
- Relieves Menstrual Cramps & Stomach Pain
Dealing with painful periods or stomach upset? Try this:
✔️ Chew fresh scent leaves.
✔️ Boil them and drink the tea.
✔️ Squeeze the leaves and drink the juice on an empty stomach in the morning and at night.
- Soothes Cough & Cold
For both adults and children, scent leaf is a natural remedy for cough and congestion.
✔️ Chew the fresh leaves.
✔️ Boil them into tea and drink.
✔️ Give the tea to your child—it works fast!
- Reduces Fever & Body Pain
Scent leaf tea is an effective remedy for fever and body aches.
✔️ Drink the tea regularly.
✔️ Pound the leaves, mix with water, stir well, filter, and drink.